Top Insights

Clients are slowly indicating an improved ability to pay their loans. Both perceived loan burden and confidence in repayment has improved: only 26% of round 17 respondents said the GEEP loan is a burden compared to the high 60% in round 4 (early October). 23 % felt “very unconfident” in their ability to repay their loan in round 17, compared to the project high in round 7 of 38%.

Employers are more able to pay salaries for employees. In the most recent round, over 80% of employers fulfilled their financial obligations to their employees. Men were more likely than women to be in this group, but we saw no difference by product type.

Cash is more accessible now than ever. The proportion of those saying it is “very easy” to access cash has grown from 29% in round 1 to 57% in the latest round.